Everything You Need to Know About a 1 1/2 Yr Old

Подборка по базе: Практическая работа iii (Тема 2.1).docx, Лабораторная работа 5 Операторы цикла.doc, Профориентационная работа.docx, Курсовая работа МШР 202 дк Малин Александр Павлович — копия.docx, Практическая работа five.docx, Практическая работа 1.docx, Проверочная работа по теме План местности.doc, Практическая работа _ Сравнительный анализ требований к результа, комплексная входная контрольная работа 2 класс.docx, Практическая работа к теме Примерная рабочая программа по предме




Кафедра специальной языковой подготовки (СЯП)


«Английский язык»


Студент 1 курса заочного факультета

Братерский Данил Андреевич

Специальность: 23.03.01


Ст. преп. Пантюхова Светлана Владиславовна

Москва 2021 год

ii.one.1. Форма №1. Контрольная работа № 1.
I . Лексические задания.
1. Дополните предложения одним словом, начинающимся с указанной буквы.

  1. Unfortunately we cannot pay an annual b______ this year.

Unfortunately we cannot pay an annual bonus this year.

  1. I need to u______ my CV before I use for the job.

I need to upload my CV before I apply for the task.

  1. We accept 15 candidates on the s______ for interviews.

We have fifteen candidates on the seat for interviews.

  1. My company gives six months of motherhood l____ if yous have a babe.

My company gives six months of maternity leave if you have a baby.

  1. You need to make full in an application f______ .

You need to fill in an application form .

  1. Virtually big companies have a pension due south______ for their employees.

Most big companies have a alimony s aving for their employees.

7 Flexible h______ are good for me, because I take to accept the children to school before I start work.

Flexible hours are good for me, because I have to take the children to schoolhouse before I kickoff work.

  1. He saw a job a______ in the paper.

He saw a job advertisement in the paper.
2. Напишите слова по их определениям.
9 an organization that finds staff for another company - outsourcing

10 a company or person that buys your product - client , buyer

xi a person who deals with the paradigm of a company - marketing specialist

12 companies that do piece of work for you that yous tin can't exercise yourself - recruitment visitor

13 a person who you work with - colleague

fourteen a visitor that sells its products to you - Vendor

fifteen an expert from outside the company who gives advice and help -mentor

3. Определите названия отделов компании.
16 Arthur installs programs on the company PCs. - programming department

17 Lara interviews applicants for jobs. - personnel department

18 Silvana buys office equipment for the whole group. - purchasing department

19 Akira runs courses in Japanese. . - preparation department

twenty Pablo deals with transporting goods to the customer. - Department of transportation

21 Marcel checks the products for faults. - quality assessment and verification department

22 If you take a broken photocopier, telephone call Mike.- programming section

23 Tatiana is in charge of a team looking for new ideas. - creative department

24 Dieter looks after the money. - accounting department

25 Tina finds out what the customers really want. - Department of adaptation
4. Выберите правильное слово из слов, написанных курсивом.
26 We offering many different services, but we operate / specialize / produce in cleaning and hygiene.

We offer many different services, but nosotros specialize in cleaning and hygiene.

27 Adidas has several competitors / subsidiaries / products, including Reebok and Nike.

Adidas has several competitors , including Reebok and Nike.

28 By and large speaking, our employees / sales / makes are very happy in their work.

Mostly speaking, our employees are very happy in their piece of work.

29 The visitor is operated / produced / based in Slough, just outside London.

The company is based in Slough, just outside London.

30 Last twelvemonth, the company'south offers / sales / nationalities increased by 10%.

Concluding year, the company'due south sales increased by ten%.
5. Прочитайте текст и выберите слово, подходящее по смыслу.
Our company does everything to 31 meet / keep the needs of our customers. As the leading online electronics retailer, it is important we e'er 32 agree / go on to our delivery dates, and go the goods to our customers 33 on time / in time. When we receive complaints virtually this, we make sure nosotros 34 provide / deal with them immediately. Sometimes we take to give customers their money 35 away / dorsum .
Of course, we effort to 36 design / encourage customer loyalty in various ways – for example, returning clients receive a 10% discount on the second order. In a survey that we 37 made / conducted final year, nosotros establish that 98% of our customers are 38 satisfied / reliable. But we want to do meliorate, and nosotros are now looking at means of offering a 39 personalized / loyal service to our long-term clients. To a higher place all, it's vital to 40 provide / design the service that people want.
Our company does everything to go on the needs of our customers. As the leading online electronics retailer, it is of import nosotros always agree to our delivery dates, and get the goods to our customers on fourth dimension . When nosotros receive complaints virtually this, we make certain we deal with them immediately. Sometimes nosotros have to give customers their money back .

Of grade, we try to encourage client loyalty in diverse ways – for example, returning clients receive a ten% discount on the 2d gild. In a survey that we conducted last year, we found that 98% of our customers are. But we want to do better, and we are now looking at means of offering a personalize service to our long-term clients. To a higher place all, information technology's vital to xl provide the service that people desire.

Ii. Грамматические задания.
1. Составить вопросы к ответам, используя слово в скобках в вопросе.
1 I work in 60 minutes. (department)

What department practise you piece of work in ?

2 About 15,000. (employ)

How many employees are there in thе company ?

iii I'yard planning a trip to Hong Kong. (at the moment)

Where are you currently planning to get ?

4 Tea, delight. (prefer)

What do you prefer ?

5 About six times a year. (visit Japan)

How many times a year practise you visit Nihon ?

6 He's Swedish. (come up)

Who is come ?

vii I'yard here until side by side Thursday. (stay)

How long exercise you lot plan to stay here ?

8 In 2005. (motion here)

what year did you start moving here ?

9 Not very much. (know about the Australian market)

What do yous know about the Australian market ?

10 Parts for motorcar engines. (produce)

What practise you produce ?
2. Составить предложения, ставя глаголы в Present Perfect / Past Simple.

  1. practical / for / have / job / the / nonetheless / yous / ?

you have applied for the job nevertheless?

  1. already / company / CV / have / I / my / sent / the / to

i already accept sent my CV to the company.

  1. any / did / get / vacation / last / not / paid / they / twelvemonth

they whatever did not get paid last year holiday.

  1. been / France / has / month / she / this / to / ?

she has been to France this month ?

  1. did / job / last / get out / when / y'all / your /

when you did get out terminal your task?
3. Найдите ошибки в образовании степеней сравнения прилагательных.
16 The task was non as easier equally nosotros expected.

The job was non equally easy as we expected.

17 Marcia's most hard-working employee in this company.

Marcia's most industrious employee in this company.

18 Our sales figures are the near low they've been for twenty years.

Our sales figures are the nigh depression prices been for twenty years.

nineteen Our rival BJT has the bigest market share.

Our rival BJT has the most market place share.

20 Market conditions are more difficulter than terminal year.

Market atmospheric condition are more than harder than concluding year.

21 The less profitable of our three divisions is Europe.

The less gainful of our three divisions is Europe.

22 We demand to think of ways of making our staff happyer.

We need to think of ways of making our staff joyful.

23 Tin can you lot be carefuller in futurity?

Tin can you be watchful in futurity?

24 The new building is best than the old 1 in many means.

The new building is pretty best than the old one in many ways.
4. Выбрать правильную видо-временную форму – Present Simple / Nowadays Continuous.
25 This week John works / is working on a large contract with Nike.

This week John works on a large contract with Nike

26 How often does your company work / is your company working with outside consultants?

How often does your company work your visitor with outside consultants?

27 Deplorable I can't speak to you now, I wait / 'm expecting a call from our Paris office.

Sorry I tin't speak to you at present, 'grand expecting a call from our Paris office.

28 Are y'all working / Do yous work very hard at the moment?

Are you working very difficult at the moment?

29 The Sales Manager uses / is using this room every Tuesday.

The Sales Manager uses this room every Tuesday.

20 I tin't give you a determination at this fourth dimension. The Sales Director thinks / is thinking about your proposal.

I can't give you a decision at this time. The Sales Director is thinking nigh your proposal.
III. Чтение .
Прочитать текст.
How tin can social networking sites help companies?
1 Facebook and MySpace are popular social networking sites on the Internet. Millions of people visit these websites and they make millions of dollars from advertising. People use social networking sites to make friends and now some businesses are asking employees to use them for work. For instance, the visitor Serena Software employs nearly i,000 people. Everyone reads the company news on Facebook and the site also helps internal advice because Serena Software employees work in unlike parts of the globe. So one employee in California can quickly contact another in the Sydney office and build a closer working relationship. The visitor also believes they can create improve teams between the twenty-9 offices in fourteen different countries past using social networking sites.

two Social networking sites are good for your profits because you tin can network with clients and tell them about new products. Human Resources departments likewise utilise the sites to aid them find out nearly new employees and recruit them. The sites can also let more employees to work from habitation or from any location. Some companies also take lower travel costs because they apply the sites for international meetings.

three Not all companies want employees to visit these sites for 2 reasons. Firstly, employees might contact friends and plan their social lives during working hours. Secondly, many companies believe there are security problems – yous tin get calculator viruses from the sites and you might not want all your company information available for everyone to read online. Only many businesses now believe in that location are more advantages than disadvantages. As one concern owner said, 'If you don't empathize the importance of social networking in the business organization world today, you won't have a business in the future'.
i. Прочитайте предложения и определите, правдивы они (Truthful), нет (Fake), есть ли данная информация в тексте (Non-Stated). Найдите подтверждение ответам в тексте.
1 Social networking sites are a swell opportunity to brand friends. (True).

Firstly, employees might contact friends and plan their social lives during working hours.

2 Human being Resource departments practice not use social networking sites to check new employees before recruiting them. (False). Human being Resource departments also use the sites to help them observe out most new employees and recruit them.

3 Many companies believe they can create better teams between offices in different countries past using social networking sites. (True). The company also believes they can create better teams betwixt the twenty-nine offices in fourteen unlike countries by using social networking sites .

four Many businesses believe there are more disadvantages than advantages of using social networks. (Fake). But many businesses now believe in that location are more advantages than disadvantages.

5 Ane tin get computer viruses from social networking sites. (True). Secondly, many companies believe there are security problems – you can become calculator viruses from the site.

6 LinkedIn is a popular social networking site. (False). the LinkedIn network is not popular

2. Прочитать текст и определить, какой из абзацев 1-iii описывает:
seven two disadvantages? -iii

8 how a visitor uses a social networking site? -one,ii.

ix more than advantages? -iii.
3. Прочитать one-й абзац и ответить на вопросы:
ten  What practise millions of people visit? - Facebook и MySpace

11  Why do people use social networking sites?- People use social networking sites to brand friends

12  How many employees does Serena Software have? work in unlike parts of the world
Прочитать 2-й абзац и пронумеровать последовательность представления информации:
0 increaseprofits_1_ 15working from home _4_

13  online meetings _5_ 16 employ new people _iii_

fourteen  advertise new products _ii_
4. Прочитать абзац 3 и определить две причины нежелания сотрудников пользоваться социальными сетями:
17 Firstly, employees might contact friends and program their social lives during working hours

18 Secondly, many companies believe there are security issues – you tin can become figurer viruses from the sites and you might not want all your visitor information available for everyone to read online

IV . Письмо.
Прочитать фразы о предстоящей конференции и составить письмо-информирование о мероприятии.
Internet Service Provider Arrangement – 10th annual conference (1st fourth dimension in Luxemburg)
Aim of conference: To share knowledge on how to make the Internet safer.
Local organizing committee (managed by Vincent Lemaire) has done very skillful job.
Special guest speaker: Leading Net Security professional, Mike Myers
Creating a safer internet for anybody to savour is the focus of Safe Internet Solar day, here are 5 unproblematic things you lot can do to help.

Don't make it too like shooting fish in a barrel.

If you use the same passwords for multiple accounts, use weak or hands guessed passwords, or give out your information equally a result of e-mail phishing, you are very hands allowing hackers to steal your personal information.

Personal data such as your name, address, and engagement of birth tin can exist used to create your profile, which tin can lead to the theft of your accounts or even identity theft.

What is the name of your first pet?

The fun little quizzes y'all see on Facebook and other social media accounts that tin generate the proper name of your wizard, Jedi, or new car past simply combining your female parent's maiden name and the proper noun of the road you grew up on are the main goals of social technology.

Do you remember it'due south a coincidence that the answers you need to provide are also general clandestine answers to questions that y'all may have to use to reset your countersign or restore your business relationship?

Protect your fellow internet users

Clever links and malicious content can be spread very quickly. This can exist a link to a site riddled with harmful ads, or images depicting bullying.

You should study this type of content, especially when it is posted on social media. Reporting is simple, allows the host to deed much faster, and can salve someone a lot of heartache.


Sometimes it seems like a very skillful thought to share something on social media, perhaps you even automatically share some things.

It's always worth taking a infinitesimal to think: Do I need to share this? What does it say about me to someone who can view my page? Can this be taken out of context and misinterpreted?


There is even so a perception that you lot can be anonymous online. It's still possible with the right know-how, software and hardware, but near of what you lot do online tin exist traced dorsum to you.

If you don't desire to say or do something face-to-face up with someone, then don't say or do something with them online.


Source: https://topuch.ru/kontrolenaya-rabota-po-discipline-anglijskij-yazik-student-1-k/index.html

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